Drinking lassi is good in summer. You can have either sweet or salted lassi. .drink lots of fluids such as water, nimbu pani, lassi and fruit juices. Do not rely on coke and pepsi alone for fluid requirements. You should eat foods which are low in calorific value such as foods which are not too fatty or fried. The easiest snacks during the summer time are fruits and vegetables. Make a fruit salad with grapes, apple slices and melons, water melons. Cut up crunchy vegetables, like carrots, cucumber, radish, tomato, cabbage etc. Fruits and veggies are packed with powerful nutrients and they help keep you hydrated when temperatures heat up. Cold soup is a treat usually reserved for the summer months. Avoid fried snacks. Try to keep your meals light and do not eat too many times a day. Usually three to four meals pattern is good during summers....take care
Eat lot of fresh greens, cold salads, cucumbers/carrots.
Juices are good but eating the fruit by itself is more beneficial . In case of juices take freshly squeezed juices without sugar. Try a combination of fruit and veg in juice...
watermelons, chilled apple, pear, pomegranates, oranges are all great.
Mint and ginger juice, Buttermilk, coconut water, cane juice, milk shakes.
Summer is all about fluids.. Have light meals specially in the evenings and drink lots of water.
Avoid spicy food, heavy meals, fatty/greasy food, chips, sodas, pickles, tea, coffee...
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